Wednesday, July 22, 2009

mister mister with your beard so long

Gained a pound!!! :[ :[ :[ I think it's just waterweight....I hope.... So I did a KILLER workout today :D it was great-I felt so accomplished at the end. I might go walk later, it's so nice outside (temp wise).

Why do people use you, abuse you, and insist on using personal information to attack you? I mean, I tell you something in confidence because I trust you and you just turn it around and try to hurt me with it. Please note the word try because all it was was an attempt-it didn't work. :D

I really wish I could rid myself of all negative people in my life. I mean, what's the point in being mean and negative towards someone? Pretty much to make yourself feel better and less inadequate-but that's just cruel, plus it doesn't work!

I'm happier than I've been in a long time. It's nice. Sure I have my moments but that's whatever. I'm good and happy and :D for the first time in a while. I feel like I've released so much and I feel lighter and free.


1 comment:

  1. Hmm. This might just be me, but I never could much get behind weighing every day. It makes things like gaining one pound because of an oncoming period from hell feel like a total failure of a day. I usually weigh every three or four days. It builds suspense and makes me really determined. Also, keep in mind that healthy weight loss for a woman is about 2 pounds per week. As determined as you are, don't forget to kick back once in a while. :D In the meantime, I'm super proud of what you've done so far, and it's thrilling to know that you're feeling more at ease about going to college--even if it is in Smurfreesboro. :P
