Monday, July 20, 2009

I will hold you forever

Lost another pound and a half for a grand total of three and a half pounds in six days. That's okay...right? Tonight was dessert night for the was good-but the service was horrible. I was okay today--skinny jeans!

I get tired of people not texting me back. Don't initiate just to stop talking-it's rude. And don't tell me you're going to text me or call me then not-it's rude. And don't text text text alllll the time with promises then when the promises can be upheld stop talking altogether-it's rude. IT'S RUDE RUDE RUDE! HAH-so there!

Back to the weight loss-ness. I want to lose twenty pounds by August 31st, really really. So now it's 16 1/2 by august 31st. More would be great though!

So on a different topic: guys. Isn't it great that I ruined my chances with a pretty much perfect guy a while back and now am lost in it? I want a second chance, but those are hard to come by these days. Hm. Any advice my nonexistant readers?


  1. Have you asked this person for a second chance? It is always worth a try to tell them that you are sorry and you want to try again. :)

  2. not yet, I'm scared to ruin the friendship...

  3. Yes, ma'am! Wicked proud of you, miss. We can totally do this.

    Be careful. Don't go crazy. Keep yourself grounded in your truest purpose: improving health.

    Darling, I can't wait to meet you and hang out with you. You're going to love college. The good thing about being a Buchanan is that you have a built-in family and friend base when you start college. It helps. I promise. AND you've got me. Seriously, it's pretty much all you could ever ask for and then some! :D

  4. You have a good point Allablog, thanks SO much for the advice!

  5. Your welcome, I hope it all works out.
