Saturday, July 25, 2009

Let me show you what love can do

So this post will have nothing to do with my weight loss trials and tribulations. Instead I'm going to inform anyone who doesn't know that guys are assholes. They are rude, no where near thoughtful, lazy, and downright mean. They are tricky and sly, they have no consideration for emotions. They toy around and they say things that they don't mean. They pretend they're doing something for your good but it's only to boost themselves.

Can you tell that I'm frustrated, annoyed, and hurt?

I want to see Bruce Springsteen again. I want to feel love again. I want someone to care for. I want, I want, I want!

I cry because I feel bad for moving out. My mom is so upset...and I want to stay home for her sake but what about for my sake?

I cry.


1 comment:

  1. OOOOOO believe me... I received a kick in the face when I really liked a guy... I thought believed he was interested in me. Don't fall for it!! That's when I found out some guys are just in it for the game. Lucky for me though I found out before I did anything regretful. :P "Use you and lose you" happens more than you wish to think.
    My mother was the same way btw. :D silly mothers.
