Thursday, July 30, 2009

Feeling like such a mess

Disappointment is NO fun!!! I've gained weight. GAINED. How is this possible? I workout EVERY day and I'm not eating sweets and I'm eating healthier and less. It goes against the laws of nature! So, due to this horrible development, I am starting over. I am scratching the last few weeks and I am starting harder and with more spirit. I am listening to my mother (yes, that wonderful, beautiful, SKINNY woman) and working out as she says. Every fifteen minutes at home sprint up the stairs; an hour of intervals on the treadmill/elliptical; NO SWEETS EVER; eating even less; and working on building muscle. My mother's theory is that I have an extraordinarily slow metabolism and need to "jump start" it. So here we go, we're jump starting...

So in other news, daddy is having his foot surgery today. Keep him in your thoughts.

I've realized I don't have time for extracurricular thoughts haha. I need to focus on getting my reading done for school and getting this weight off. Any other focuses are pointless and detrimental to my health. :] Okay, so maybe that's a bit dramatic....


1 comment:

  1. I know that sometimes if you do the same work out everyday, your body becomes use to it and you will see no improvement. I was told before to make sure to change what you are doing slightly every other day and it should help.
