Sunday, July 26, 2009

I want in like a substitute

I bought my favorite Kings of Leon c.d tonight! And I had a great time with Jonathan and Dillon :D

So for the weight loss stuff... I had gained ALL my weight back according to the scale yesterday..but as of today it was ALL gone again!! This of course made me smile wide. I walked FIVE miles with my mom today and was just more active in general around the house and going to stores and such. I feel accomplished.

So sadly my ipod has gone caput and it makes me sad. As a friend of mine has pointed out, music is a HUGE part of the whole working out thing. It's distraction and inspiration for me but now that my ipod is gone I don't want to do anything that would be quiet time. Isn't that sad? That people have to have constant distraction from their own thoughts? Hm.

Tomorrow and Tuesday will be bad food wise. Tomorrow is birthday lunch with mom, and some friends which means I'll have to be careful what I order. Then Tuesday is mom's actual birthday which means cake! Buuut she ordered slices of cheesecake so we can only have one piece each-isn't mom great?

Well I guess that's about it. Off to listen to Kings of Leon :D

--> Skinny face. Hawaii again (ideal weight)

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes, music is so wonderful. I also enjoy Kings of Leon :)
    That picture is so cute! I love orchids!
